Veiling, Law, and Sufism.
Perceptions of the practice of veiling by modern Islamic women from the West often miss the mark. In a feigned attempt to promote women's "liberation", the practice is reduced to a matter of gender inequality. In doing so, we miss the beautiful complexities of personal expression and faith. Simultaneously, in inventing a picture of an Islamic monoculture where all devout women veil, the Islamic faith, and a woman's spirituality are simplified to adorning a hijab. The irony of this flash judgement is that in trying to "fight" for women's right to choose (which assumes that right is not already present) it removes the woman's agency. Since our time in Morocco, I have spoken with young and elder women alike, whose perspectives and individual relationships with Islam and spirituality have cemented just how personal veiling and faith are in this culture. From my conversations with Ratem, the social norms of modesty in dress are not so much Religious ...