Farming in Morocco.
I always knew that farming required hard work, but I needed to realize how much science, research, money, investments, and time it takes to have a successful agricultural business. This trip opened my eyes to understand many facets of the farming industry. This trip made me realize that diversity is essential in the crop production business. You can only have some of your money on one crop to grow in the industry because demand changes, climate, and environmental threats all impact the success of the farming industry. Farmers must ensure they have many options, as I Berry founder and managing Director Mr. Ismailli stated today at his farm. Farming needs to evolve to adapt to climate change; for example, to respond to consumers' demands and concerns like using green energy. I -Berry, a company that started ten years ago, began with growing berries, and strawberries only had to diversify to sustain its business, respond to consumer demand, and compete on the international market. As...