Race, Ethnicity, Culture & Religion - Faith and Food in Morocco

I love food! Sharing meals or partaking in certain foods often plays a significant role in individuals' and communities' religious and cultural identities. I have found this to be the case as a visitor in Morocco. While dining in a restaurant in Morocco this week, I attempted to order couscous (a dish made of pasta granules served with various meats and vegetables). Surprisingly, my request was immediately shot down and redirected to another dish. Although this was unexpected, I happily and confusedly ordered something else recommended by the waiter, a dish called tajine. From this experience, I learned that these particular foods have religious and cultural significance in Morocco, which I was unaware of. Upon discussion with my fellow travelers and through a little research, I found that couscous may only be eaten on Fridays - I had tried to order it on a Wednesday. In most Arab and Muslim countries like Morocco, Holy F...