Islamic Marriage


Marriage is when two people find love and decide that they want to spend their life together or at least as much of their life together if they decide to divorce later on. Additionally, I have been taught that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you don't know when the perfect or right fish comes along. The sea is huge, and it is okay to get lost in the sea and meet a couple of the wrong fish along the way. It also does not matter what religion or belief the other is as long as y'all love each other. However, that is not the case in every religion or belief.

I found this article that explains about mixed marriages that focuses on the religion aspect in the law's eyes. A Muslim man whom is not from a Muslim country that wants to marry a Muslim Moroccan woman needs a notarized statement of his religious denomination (Hekking, 2019). Then, a non-Muslim man must convert in order to be married in Morocco (Hekking, 2019). In order to be married in Morocco, he will need paperwork called an adoul which is a certified and notarized copy of his conversion document from a religious/court notarial (Hekking, 2019). This is interesting because I did not think a lot of countries had laws about being married from different religions. This article goes on to explain that the couple can get married in a different couple if they did not want to do the process. Moreover, if a woman that is a Christian or is Jewish, she does not need to convert Islam in order to marry a Muslim Moroccan man (Hekking, 2019). Men have to go through a longer process than women do. 

Additionally, I find it interesting that men or women will face conflicts or concerns from their family members. Some family members may not agree with changing your religion for someone, so the person wanting to marry someone from Morocco in Morocco will have to learn how to take the heat. In Chapter 7: Hold Steady, it is discussed that things to do to hold steady. For example, take the heat is one of them, and you have to learn to either back away, change the behavior or drop the issue. In the situation of marriage, many people will take heat when marrying someone that the family may not agree with. It is the person's choice to choose how they will take on the issue with their family.

Moreover, this article was a fascinating read because I was not aware of the process of marriage if the man and woman were in different religions especially in Morocco. Marriage is an interesting topic because many people think about being married, so knowing that there is a process in different countries is fascinating. 


Morgan Hekking - Morocco World News. (2019, September 29). Mixed Marriages in Morocco: Everything You Need to Know. Https://Www.Moroccoworldnews.Com/.


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