Blog 1: Race/Ethnicity or Culture

Other than the food (which is always one of my favorite things to do throughout the day), I really enjoyed talking with the young farmer today and touring his farm. An identity that stood out to me today within Moroccon culture was their support for the community. As he s hared his experience as a younger farmer and businessman, it became noticeable how important serving others in the community and helping where you can lend a hand comes as a result of being a part of that community. Helping plant seeds for a woman who can't do it for herself or using your own equipment to plow a neighbor's field while they are sick are just things that they do and a few examples given toda y. The farmer also illustrated how important it is to him that he gains feedback from his "customers" to ensure that their baskets are the quality and quantity that they would like. Bentaleb (2013), a writer for Morocco World News and a private school teac...