Moroccan Cafes

Almost immediately upon arriving in Casablanca I saw many cafes along the streets with seats lining the sidewalks. As we have traveled through Morocco I have continued to see many of these cafes with outdoor seating, some large with many seats, others small with a couple of seats. The reoccurring theme I noticed with these coffee shops was the heavy male presence sitting outside at what seems like all hours of day. I did notice that there were many older men sitting outside, but there were also many younger, working age men partaking as well. Some shops had tvs outside, some men played games, but the majority seemed to just sit with their tea or coffee, smoking cigarettes, and watched the streets. While many sat together, it did not seem like much conversation was going on. So I began to wonder if this is a cultural phenomena, and where were the women, as I see the same scene in both cities and very rural areas through the bus window. In an article from the Morocco World News I learned...