Blog 2: Religion

Morocco's cultural depth has astounded me, and I think that the role of religion is accredited for creating an incredible atmosphere. The way they practice religion in their daily lives has been amazing to witness. Not only is the religion different from what I’m used to, but the way they practice it as part of their everyday lives has been amazing to see. The ancient traditions seem to still be so prevalent here, like the cleaning before praying, the religious clothing they wear everyday, adhan recited from minarets five times a day, and much more. This is a big difference than what I am used to in America. I don't see people practicing an ancient tradition in regards to Christianity- especially in public. Other than saying a prayer before a meal, I usually can't tell if a person is religious or not because we don't portray our practices publicly. The shared traditions and customs in Morocco truly unites the people on a deep national level. I read that at any given point, there is a morocco city or a Berber community hosting glamorous events and celebrations (Morocco World News). The past two nights give a perfect representation of this lifestyle! They celebrate their religion as often as they can!

Being a Christian, I have found that I need to be careful about who I chose to follow in regards of my faith. There are many leaders who don't follow what they preach, and are false prophets. In chapter 6, "Leadership on the Line" says to keep confidant and don't let allies confuse you. I feel like hypocrisy within leadership can come too easily when someone forgets to evaluate their actions and ensure they are in alignment with the goals.


  1. I was thinking the same thing when you stated that America doesn’t outwardly express religion as much as here! It is so interesting to me that there is such a dominant religion here, versus as home we are more of a mix of many different kinds. To add to your point, I do not think that in America we would ever be able to express religion how they do in Morocco. We have to much of a variety and too many opinions. I do love the idea of everyone united in their common religion, though! I feel it really bonds everyone together here!

  2. Great blog post! I definitely agree that religion in Morocco plays a major role in uniting the country, whether that be through religious clothing, prayer, or music. I think that in American culture we often “hide” our religion for fear of stepping on toes of those without the same beliefs. From what I have learned while in Morocco, I think that everyone seems to be living in harmony while also expressing their own cultural/religious beliefs. I do wonder, however, the accuracy of the country in which Hamid is presenting. Is having walled in cities for each religion/culture really make for a more respectful way of life, or are the walls used as a means to keep the “others” out? I also wonder about the access to resources for each neighborhood. Do Islamic people receive more money than the Jewish peoples, or is it the other way around? Anyways, I find it all very interesting. Especially Hamid’s fact that there are over 450 mosques within that little city we were in yesterday. That absolutely blows my mind!


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