Morocco: What a Service-Hearted Home

 I have been lucky enough in life to travel extensively, especially for my age, getting to see so many different cultures in so many different parts of the world. It never ceases to amaze me just how similar we all are. At the core of life, we are all human beings and have the same basic needs and wants. I think it is easy to forget just how similar we all are down to the core, and people allow their difference to divide them instead of to grow together. Morocco, I have learned, is on the same brain wave as I am. They choose everyday to love and appreciate differences in people, as that is what makes each individual their own unique person. They celebrate the differences in a way I have never seen before. Different, but never ever less than. 

The unique history of Morocco and the cultures that have landed here have enabled such a hospitable and kind country, the people truly embodying the term service heart. While we have been in Morocco, I have noticed the customs that go along with hospitality. Everywhere we go, we are welcomed with mint tea and pastries, but those serving us never join in on the enjoyment of their hard work, as they want the focus to be on their guests, as seen when we went to Dr. Rachidi's colleague's home for couscous, and they did not join in for the meal, as they wanted the focus to be on us. The same is also said for Mr. Mohammad who did not eat with us throughout the trip as custom. 

As a foodie, it would be completely unacceptable for me to not fangirl over the food culture in Morocco. Food is used as a symbol of welcome here in Morocco than anywhere else I have been. The rich history of the country has lent itself to perfecting foods that have so many different cultural origins (The Art. 2018). I personally love hosting dinner parties for my friends with a full spread of food to show my love and appreciation for them. This is 100% the same vibe that Morocco has with their food and hospitality culture. Moroccans love their country and their people and they want outsiders to feel that same love and loyalty, without making us feel like complete outsiders. Different yes, but always happy to welcome us in as seen by a favorite expression..."Morocco is your second home." 

The Art of Moroccan Cuisine. Fes Cooking & Morocco Cultural Tours. (2018, June 29). 


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