Status in Morocco

     While traveling through Morocco we learned a lot about the king, royal family, members of the government, and other groups of wealthy Moroccans who all make up the upper class. There is a large gap between these groups who live lavishly and the poor who live in run-down housing. Along with poor living conditions, the lower class also lacks access to education, proper health/nutrition, and employment opportunities. While this issue is slowly improving, there is still so much more to be done. 

    Steps are being taken to decrease poverty in Morocco such as, "In 2005, King Mohammed VI launched the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), which aims to reduce poverty in Morocco by improving living conditions, assisting vulnerable social groups, and supporting Moroccan families." Today, this is in its third phase which will use it's $1.9 billion budget to "improve basic social services and infrastructure around Morocco".  This will work to lower unemployment and bridge the gap between the upper class and the lower class. Before coming to Morocco, I expected their lifestyle to be different from my own but I did not realize quite how different it would be. While we traveled around, I noticed the size of some people's houses was much smaller than I was anticipating and much more underdeveloped. This truly caught me by surprise and made me think about how much we take for granted in our everyday lives. 

    While there are many steps already being taken in order to reduce poverty and improve the lower class's quality of life, there is still much more that could be done. As different as the upper-class lives, I think more effort and money could be put toward the less fortunate. 

Saiesha, Thelwell, K., Alexander, L., & Project, B. (2022, November 29). Poverty in Morocco. The Borgen Project.,groups%20and%20supporting%20Moroccan%20families. 


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