Moroccan Hospitality

 Moroccan culture is very different from what I typically experience in the United States. There have been many cultural practices related to food and their generosity that I have noticed since arriving in Morocco that I found very interesting. One of the first things that stood out to me is how welcoming this culture is to those who are different from them. This strong sense of coexistence is shown through actions such as inviting us into their home, being given tea upon arrival, and making an effort to communicate with us. This is very different from how people treat foreigners and other people in general in the United States. While in Morocco, the people focus on generosity, people in the U.S. prioritize success and money. United States citizens are very quick to do whatever it takes to get ahead which makes it very hard to be open-minded and build relationships with those who are different. Americans are much more individualistic than what I have seen so far in Morocco.

According to the “World Economic Forum”, Morocco is the third most welcoming country in the world. I was able to recognize this immediately when entering the country. I have truly never felt such an amazing connection with locals as I have here. When Moroccans offer foreigners food they do that because they believe, “it is God who put the food on your road” as said by the article, “The Moroccan Hospitality”. I have really loved the tea especially that we have received while traveling around Morocco. We have been offered mint tea at many locations and it has become one of my favorite drinks. We have also been given many little pastry treats at the places we have visited. I love how welcoming this has made me feel during our journey. Every action I’ve seen this far has displayed kindness and selflessness. 

Moroccan hospitality truly reveals how unwelcoming the United States can be. This is a problem that would require a much more open mind than many people in the U.S. currently have. I think a lot of the disrespect shown to foreigners in America comes from the lack of knowledge and understanding of other cultures and realizing their importance. If we were able to be more inviting and welcoming to other cultures like the Moroccans then I feel like that would fix a lot of other issues related to coexistence. 

The Moroccan hospitality. Friendly Morocco. (2020, July 30). 


  1. I agree with how welcoming Morocco has been for us. When you mentioned how the U.S. is not as welcoming, and how it may be from the lack of understanding, it made me think of how the U.S. is supposed to be the "melting pot", be we are not staying true to that, unlike Morocco. Do you think their hospitality stems from religious practices or a certain culture that has spread over the country? I'd also would like to learn the history of why tea is used as a welcoming.


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