Blog 3

 For my blog I would like to talk about the roles of Men compared to Women owned farms in Morozco.  Most of the farms we have seen have been owned by men. The brought the question to my mind, are most farms owned by men because of gender inequality or because more men are just in the industry. And I think there are many parts to that answer. 

One. I believe that years ago farming was much a much more common thing for men to do. As we have heard from both universities we visited that is quickly changing. And per women make up about 53.2% of workers in the agriculture industry. Although, I think it will take time for the increase in women in farming to show its self in farm ownership in the industry as a whole.

Also. It seems that it is a traditional thing for family farms to be passed down to the son of the family. I think this comes from framing being traditionally a male job. This would support the leadership theme that we saw of how you have to be able to go from the “Balcony to the dance floor”.

Moreover, I feel that over time since the agriculture schools have a majority women student population there will be more educated women in the industry and we will see more women owned farms. 


  1. I also had similar observations but mine extended beyond the farms. Except at the schools, nearly every place we have visited it has all been men, the hotels, the shops, the restaurants.
    The issue comes down to how some societies view gender roles. Hamid described how in Moroccan culture certain roles and responsibilities are either for women or for men, he explained that it was the reason that you only find men at cafe's.
    Heifetz and Linsky (2002) discuss letting an issue ripen (p.146-154). The discussion of gender roles in societies such as Morocco would require waiting for the right moment. It is something that will eventually change but I have doubts it will be done with immediacy.

  2. An interesting fact of land ownership in Morocco between men and women is only 4.4% of all of Moroccan land is owned by females.


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